Life Reinsurance Treaty Construction

The Reinsurance Section and the Committee on Life Insurance Research are pleased to announce the release of a new report designed to increase awareness of the importance of many reinsurance treaty terms/provisions, identify common treaty structures, practices, and/or solutions in reinsurance treaty construction and negotiation and illustrate how treaty terms have evolved over time. Authored by Steve Stockman and Tim Cardinal of Actuarial Compass, this report is based on questionnaire responses, telephone interviews, participant research assignments, follow-up email correspondence and an in-person roundtable discussion. This report documents participant’s points, counterpoints, counter-counterpoints and insights


Life Reinsurance Treaty Construction Report

Thank You

The sponsors would like to thank the following individuals who served on the Project Oversight Group:

  • Greg Brandner, FSA, MAAA, Chair
  • Audrey Chervansky, FSA, MAAA
  • Clark Himmelberger, FSA, MAAA
  • Gary Pauline, FSA, MAAA
  • Jan Schuh, SOA Senior Research Administrator
  • Ronora Stryker, ASA, MAAA, SOA Research Actuary

We also thank Paul Olszowka, Barnes & Thornburg LLP, for providing counsel.