Annoucement: SOA releases December 2024 Exam FM passing candidate numbers.

Questions to ask a university/college actuarial program contact

The following set of questions may help you to assess the quality of an actuarial program you are considering:

  1. How many students are in the actuarial program?
  2. How many faculty? Do any faculty members hold actuarial credentials (e.g., ASA, FSA, FCAS, FCIA)?
  3. Does your school have an actuarial club? What are its key functions?
  4. On average, how many actuarial exams do your students pass by graduation?
  5. On average, what is your job placement rate?
  6. Does your school hold actuarial career fairs or other on-campus events with actuarial employers? How many actuarial employers typically attend?
  7. On average, how many of your students have at least one internship by graduation?