Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

How to Review an ORSA e-Book

Risk Management: Part Five
How to Review an ORSA

The Joint Risk Management Section of the Society of Actuaries (SOA), the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) and the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA) are pleased to release our fifth essay e-book, this time addressing “How to Review an ORSA.”

Download the complete essay e-book

How to Review an ORSA
By Stuart Hayes and Mark Mennemeyer

Four C’s for Reviewing an ORSA Report
By Joonghee Huh

Creating a Win-win ORSA Review
By Max J. Rudolph

A Literal Guide to ORSA Oversight
By Mike R. Celichowski

How to Review an ORSA: Thoughts for a Board Member’s InitialReading
By David A. Brentlinger

By Their Works ye Shall Know Them–Evaluating Risk Culture for Own Risk and Solvency Assessment
By Dave Ingram and Alice Underwood

Risk Culture Assessment Based on ORSA
By Kailan Shang

Regulatory Review of ORSA Framework
By Laura A. Maxwell

How to Review an ORSA
By Patrick Kelliher

Reviewing a Summary ORSA Report: The Score Card Approach
By Terence Narine