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Experience Studies - 2008 Long-Term Disability Experience Table Report

Experience Studies – Group Disability

The Society's Group Disability Insurance Experience Committee has completed their latest experience table report. This report is accompanied by two Excel workbooks containing supplementary material. The first is the actual experience table labeled " 2008 GLTD Experience Table ." The second is a summary pivot table of termination results, including expectations developed with the 2008 GLTD Experience Table, and is labeled " 2008 GLTD Experience Pivot Table Results ."

Revised 4-17-17


Future disability studies will use the ICD 10 codes for cause of disability. If older claims have associated ICD 9 codes, conversion tables have been created that will be used by the study committees to convert to the new codes. See the “IDC-9 to IDC-10 Conversion Tables” under Related Links. The tables vary slightly between Group Disability and Individual Disability. Comments on these conversion tables are requested. Please submit your comments to Jack Luff by September 30, 2015. – added 8/13/15


2008 GLTD Experience Table Report – Revised 10.10.11

2008 Long-Term Disability Experience Table Report - 2008 GLTD Experience Table

2013 Individual Disability Income Valuation Table – Revised 04-17-17

IDC-9 to IDC-10 Conversion Tables

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