Announcement: SOA congratulates the new ASAs and CERAs for August 2024.

Retirement 20/20 Monograph

  • November 17-18, 2008
  • Crystal Gateway Marriot, Washington, DC
  1. Changing Signals
    • Why Sweden's Pension Reform was able to be Successfully Implemented
    • Jan Selén, Ann-Charlotte Ståhlberg
    • Abstract
    • Complete Paper
    • Signals, Retirement Options, Phased Retirement and Retirement Decisions
    • Anna Rappaport
    • Abstract
    • Complete Paper
    • Summary Overview Paper: Experimental Analysis of Retirement
    • Enrique Fatas, Juan Lacomba, Francisco Lagos, Ana Moro
    • Complete Paper
    • An Experimental Test on Retirement Decisions
    • Enrique Fatas, Juan Lacomba and Francisco Lagos
    • Complete Paper (Note: Link requires registration and payment of a fee to obtain paper)
    • An Experimental Test on Dynamic Consumption and Lump-Sum Pensions
    • Enrique Fatas, Juan Lacomba, Francisco Lagos, Ana Moro
    • Complete Paper
  2. Default Distributions
    • The Role of Information and Expectations in Retirement Planning–Communicating Income vs. Lump Sums; Retirement Options
    • Anna Rappaport
    • Abstract
    • Complete Paper
    • Optimal Strategies for Distribution of Retirement Income Resources (Coming Soon)
    • Albert J. Dal Porto
  3. Self Adjusting Mechanisms
    • Are Automatic Balancing Mechanisms Appropriate for Private Sector Defined Benefit Pension Plans?
    • Doug Andrews
    • Abstract
    • Complete Paper
    • New Retirement Plan Designs for the 21st Century
    • William R. Hallmark and Beverly J. Orth
    • Abstract
    • Complete Paper