Lights, Camera, Action
Reinsurance News: February 2005
Lights Camera, Action–Reinsurance February 2005 E–News By Michael Gabon
Welcome to the inaugural edition of Re–news!, an electronic newsflash service for the global reinsurance community, sponsored by the SOA Reinsurance Section. Marshall McLuhan said that "the medium is the message". The Re–news! medium has been created to address the reinsurance community's desire for informative and interesting newsworthy items in a timely manner (see We plan to circulate Re–news! for items of significance as the timing dictates (eg. as near a decision/turning point or after an unexpected event) and/or gather items of lesser significance circulating from time to time. Thus, Re–news! is initially intended to complement the longstanding, typically semi–annual, Section newsletter. Of course, it will include factual information, yet also opinion, lighter side humour, and feedback surveys. Re–news! will consist of newsbriefs, links, and abstracts of longer items hosted on the Section webpage and we have the capability to bring you text, audio, and video formats and colour. Re–news! will be delivered to your SOA directory email. Mouse clicks and scrolling will replace paper page flipping and it weighs less. We welcome your feedback. We also encourage you informing us of any timely reinsurance related items through any of several contact points: Communications and Publications team, our Marketplace Relevance specialists or other activity contacts, or the Council. To learn more about the reinsurance community visit the Reinsurance Web site. To subscribe, click on Join a Section under Related Links. Enjoy!