Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

Record of the Society of Actuaries, Volume 26, No. 3

Chicago Annual Meeting–October 15-18, 2000

This issue of the Record was edited by:
Richard D. Cruise (Chairperson), Francis C. Bernardi, Marilyn Brown, Joel S. Cornberg, Dieter Gaubatz, Kurt J.F. Giesa, Thomas J. Hruska, David A. Jeggle, Mark E. Kinzer, James J. Knutson, Kerry A. Krantz, Douglas B. Levit, Steven Floyd Malerich (lead editor), Dennis M. Monaghan, Peter Perkins, Erlinda C. Priebe, Robert A. Pryor, Parmeshvar B. Sharma, David A. Shea, Jr. and Susan L. Silverman

If you have any questions regarding future releases from the Record, contact Glenda Maki, associate editor.

  • Session #3 PD
  • Medicare Supplement Update
  • Michael S. Abroe, Mark F. Bartorelli, Sally T. Burner, Richard F. Coyle
  • Session #4 PD
  • Financial Services Modernization—"What's the Impact on Banks and Insurance Companies?"
  • Steven D. Lash, E. Kenneth Reynolds, James B. Smith, Jr.
  • Session #5 PD
  • Purchase GAAP
  • Michael V. Eckman, Daniel J. Kunesh, James B. Milholland
  • Session #6 PD
  • Statutory Reserving Update—Annuity Products
  • Donna R. Claire, James W. Lamson, Jonathan L. Wooley
  • Session #7 PD
  • Hot Topics in Separate Account Products
  • Hans U. Gerber, Marshall C. Greenbaum, Mary Rosalyn Hardy, Peter D. Tilley
  • Session #8 PD
  • *Group Long-Term Disability Reinsurance Options
  • Pamela J. Saunders, Jeff Sharpton, G. Nicholas Smith
  • Session #9 PD
  • Reinsurance Role in Product Development
  • Katherine A. Anderson, Graham John Bancroft, W. David Fairhall, Dieter S. Gaubatz
  • Session #10 PD
  • *Valuation and Financial Reporting of Long-Term-Care Insurance
  • William P. Bigelow, Peggy L. Hauser, Mark E. Litow
  • Session #11 PD
  • Trends in Actuarial Employment
  • John A. Dewan, Ayleene G. Hartman, Aimee Kaye, Carl A. Westman
  • Session #12 IF
  • *The Latest on Mortality Projection
  • David F. Kays, Marilyn Miller Oliver, S. Jay Olshansky
  • Session #15 OF
  • *Education Qualification—New Task Force
  • Neville S. Henderson, R. Stephen Radcliffe
  • Session #16 TS
  • Driving Your Information Costs to Zero
  • George L. De Graaf, Gerard G. Smedinghoff
  • Session #22 PD
  • *Hot Topics in Managed Care
  • Peter R. Burry, Sandra M. Foote, Alison Johnson, Steven N. Wander
  • Session #25 PD
  • *Long-Term-Care State and Federal Regulatory Update
  • William Carroll, Winthrop S. Cashdollar, Raymond J. Nelson, Wendy Pellow
  • Session #27 PD
  • Interest Scenarios
  • Faye Albert, Sarah L.M. Christiansen, Vladimir S. Ladyzhets, John D. Marcsik
  • Session #30 PD
  • *Disability Insurance Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Robert W. Beal, Gordon G. Dinsmore Jr., Perry L. Wiseblatt
  • Session #31 PD
  • Managing the "Free Surplus" Portfolio of an Insurance Company
  • Nancy E. Bennett, David E. Neve, Russell A. Osborn
  • Session #32 PD
  • Statutory Reserving Update—Life Products
  • Thomas A. Campbell, Michael V. Eckman, Andrew M. Erman, David K. Sandberg
  • Session #34 IF
  • *Who Wants to Be an Offshore Reinsurer?
  • John Bareiss, Michael E. Gabon, Hugh T. McCormick, Chris M. Rutten
  • Session #35 IF
  • *Profit Measures: RAROC, ROE, EV—What Are These and Where Did Profit Margin and BEY Go?
  • Arnold A. Dicke, Mark A. Milton, Timothy L. Patria, Bradley M. Smith
  • Session #37 TS
  • Influencing Without Authority
  • Christopher D. Ruckman, Terry Tescula
  • Session #44 PD
  • The Role of Futurism in Creating Actuarial Models
  • Peter C. Bishop, Stuart Klugman, Mark C. Rowley, Robert G. Utter
  • Session #51 PD
  • *Data Warehousing
  • George L. De Graaf, Seve Galvan, Kevin John Pledge
  • Session #53 PD
  • Penetrating the Great Wall of China
  • August C. Chow, Thomas P. Laine, Craig W. Reynolds
  • Session #54 PD
  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • Russell A. Osborn, Max J. Rudolph, Francis P. Sabatini
  • Session #55 PD
  • GIC in a Box
  • Patricia McWeeney, Victor Modugno, Teresa A. Radzinski
  • Session #56 IF
  • Recent Trends in Retirement Benefits Design
  • Mary Hardiman Adams, David W. Riddell, Paul Rusin
  • Session #57 IF
  • *Income Products
  • Ken A. McCullum, H. Dietrich Moor, Richard Charles Murphy
  • Session #58 TS
  • Credibility and Health Insurance
  • Thomas N. Herzog
  • Session #63 PD/PP
  • Problems and Opportunities in Reinsurance
  • Gary L. Corliss, Kevin K. Gabriel, Thomas G. Kabele
  • Session #64 PD
  • Mortality: X-amining the X-Factor
  • Jay D. Biehl, Theresa A. Choka, Larry M. Gorski, Henry B. Ramsey III
  • Session #65 PD
  • Long-Term Disability Reserve Buyouts
  • Michael E. Gabon, Stephen J. Mitchell, Daniel D. Skwire
  • Session #67 PD
  • *Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for Nontraditional Products
  • Thomas A. Campbell, Laura J. Hay, Mary S. Saslow, Deborah Whitmore
  • Session #68 PD
  • *How Will the Internet Change the Health Insurance Industry?
  • William R. Ely, George K. Hawkins, Jr., Nickolas J. Ortner, Thomas M. Shreve
  • Session #71 L
  • *Technology: The New Business Models
  • Michael L. Fix, James Valentino
  • Session #72 OF
  • *Insights to the Product Development Process
  • Steven L. Andrews, Timothy Fitch, Jim Foreman, Troy Thompson
  • Session #74 TS
  • *Communicating Retirement Plan Concepts
  • Tupper Hillard, Marilyn Miller Oliver, Paul W. Rangecroft, William A. Reimert
  • Session #82 L
  • *Modeling Hereditary Breast Cancer
  • Krupa Subramanian
  • Session #83 PD
  • *Risk Management in Individual and Group Health Products
  • Vincent L. Bodnar, David R. Nelson, Jay C. Miniati, Arthur L. Wilmes
  • Session #84 PD
  • *New Developments in Cash Balance Plans
  • Joseph A. Applebaum, Richard C. Shea, Kenneth A. Steiner
  • Session #85 PD
  • *Critical Illness: Surviving Five Continents
  • Susie Cour-Palais, Emile M. Elefteriadis, Anthony J.Forte, Ronald L. Poon-Affat
  • Session #86 PD
  • *Savings and Retirement Plans in Developing Countries
  • Joshua David Bank, Thomas E. Leonard, Jim Toole, Henryk S. Walerys
  • Session #89 PD
  • Risk Management Practices in the Insurance Industry
  • Allan Brender, Anthony Dardis, Hubert B. Mueller, Max J. Rudolph
  • Session #90 PD
  • XML for Actuaries: A Web of Data and Metadata
  • Ron Cole, Jawwad A. Farid, Mark D. Horowitz, Kevin Kelly
  • Session #91 PD
  • *Agency Consolidation and Aggregation: How Does it Impact Your Company?
  • Mary J. Bahna-Nolan, Tom Bakos, Richard Berry
  • Session #92 PD
  • Financial Reinsurance: Tool for the 21st Century
  • David Addison, Lawrence S. Carson, Richard Leblanc, Timothy J. Tongson
  • Session #94 PD
  • How Is Behavioral Finance Behaving?
  • Josephine Elizabeth Marks, David L. Neaven, Bruce Sawhill
  • Session #95 IF
  • *Corporate Downsizing—How to Keep Yourself Marketable
  • Howard J. Bolnick, Michael M. Braunstein
  • Session #96 IF
  • Controversial Issues in Long-Term Care
  • Thomas C. Foley, James M. Glickman, Timothy Edwin Hale, John Leo Timmerberg
  • Session #98 TS
  • 2010: Where Will the Profits Be?
  • Patrick S. Baird, Steven D. Lash, Stephen J. Strommen, James R. Trefz
  • Session #114 OF
  • Risk Tolerance in Long-Term Care and Reinsurance
  • Andronico Lucas Castillo, Michael W. Farley, James D. Maughn, Amy Pahl
  • Session #115 PD
  • *Telecommuting
  • Paul T. Engeriser, Amy Milner Gould, Mitchell A. Levin, Scott Paul Schleifer, James R.Trefz
  • Session #117 PD
  • Accounting for Policyholder Dividends
  • Kenneth A. LaSorella, Patricia E. Matson, Brian Purves, Darryl G. Wagner
  • Session #119 PD
  • Tailoring Products and Services for the Bancasssurance Market
  • Belinda Monat, Maria N. Thomson, Alan Wade
  • Session #120 IF
  • *Valuation Issues for Managed Care Actuaries
  • James E. Drennan, David F. Ogden, David O. Thoen
  • Session #121 OF
  • Politics and Health Care
  • Dwight K. Bartlett III, James J. Murphy, Gerard G. Smedinghoff, Terry S. Ward
  • Session #123 TS
  • Voluntary Benefits—Successful Approaches
  • Warren M. Cohen, Sean Gilday
  • Session #129 PD
  • Indexed Separate Accounts
  • Mary Ida Compton, Victor Modugno, Ronald S. Oldenkamp
  • Session #130 PD
  • U.S. & Canadian Demutualizations—Postmortem
  • Caitlin F. Long, Earl Francis Martin, Barry L. Shemin, William J. Wheeler, Robert W. Wilson
  • Session #131 PD
  • *Current Issues in Social Security
  • Christopher M. Bone, Ronald Gebhardtsbauer, Stephen C. Goss
  • Session #132 PD
  • The Impact of HR-10 on Insurers' Risk Exposures
  • Francis de Regnavcourt, James H. Overholt, Max J. Rudolph
  • Session #133 PD
  • *Research Opportunities Created by New AAA/SOA Life Company Model
  • Arnold A. Dicke, Luke N. Girard, Stuart Klugman, Harry H. Panjer, Mark S. Tenney
  • Session #134 PD
  • Prescription Drug Update
  • Amy Companik, Bryan F. Miller, Gordon R. Trapnell
  • Session #135 CS
  • The Customer Is King
  • Garth A. Bernard Sr., Novian E. Junus, Michael L. Kaster
  • Session #136 OF
  • *New Technologies that Reduce Financial Exposure and Improve Patient Care
  • James Couch, Jonathan Jaritt, David Wilson
  • Session #137 OF
  • *Actuarial Professionalism in Long-Term-Care Filings
  • James C. Berger, Lauren M. Bloom, Dawn E. Helwig
  • Session #138 OF
  • *The Long-Term-Care Market for Traditional Life and Annuity Carriers
  • Loida Rodis Abraham, William P. Bigelow, Peggy L. Hauser, Allen J. Schmitz
  • Session #139 OF (Follow up to 85PD)
  • *Critical Illness: Surviving Five Continents
  • Susie Cour-Palais, Alex Cowley, Emile M. Elefteriadis, Ronald L. Poon-Affat
  • Session #140 TS
  • *Soft Computing Applications in Insurance
  • Arnold F. Shapiro
  • Session #145 PD
  • Regulatory Update for Health Insurance Company Actuaries
  • William F. Bluhm, Lisa K. Johnson, Tom Wilder, Thomas F. Wildsmith
  • Session #146 PD
  • *Educational Programs in the Insurance Industry and Actuarial Employment Opportunities
  • Robert L. Brown, Cecil D. Bykerk, Curtis E. Huntington, Walter B. Lowrie, John Shepherd
  • Session #147 PD
  • E-Commerce
  • Todd M. Erkis, John F. Gibson, Vikesh Patel
  • Session #148 PD
  • Continuing Care Retirement Communities Opportunities and Provider Joint Ventures
  • Judith Black, Gary L. Brace, Jill Krueger

*The following session from the Chicago fall Meeting, October 15-18, 2000 will not be available on the Society's Web site and will not be available for release to the public. Record sessions must meet certain standards before they can be released to the membership. The recorded version of these sessions failed to meet these standards for a variety of reasons.