Annoucement: SOA releases December 2024 Exam FM passing candidate numbers.

Registration and Refund Details and Policies

Full payment is required at the time of registration.

Payment Options

  • Paying by Credit Card – Register online by registration deadline.
  • Paying by Check – contact customer service for application and payment details. Allow 10 days for receipt and processing of check payments.


You will receive an email confirmation once your order has been entered into our system. If you do not receive a confirmation, please log into your account at MYSOA to confirm your order was placed. To request another copy of the confirmation order or to update your registration, please contact Customer Service at

Reduced Registration Fees

A partial waiver equal to 50 percent of the SOA member registration fee (excluding all extra-cost activities) is available for SOA members and credential holders who:

  1. Are full-time academics and Ph.D. candidates, subject to a limit of $2,500 in aggregate partial waivers of meeting fees per calendar year.
  2. Are employed in the government and not eligible for reimbursement subject to a limit of one continuing education event per calendar year.
  3. Have received a waiver of member dues or credential fees for the calendar year in accordance with the SOA’s dues waiver policy (i.e. retired, unemployed, etc), subject to a limit of one continuing education event per calendar year.

In addition, a partial waiver equal to 50 percent of the SOA member registration fee is available for full time faculty at a CAE School and for SOA Hickman Scholars, subject to a limit of $2,500 in aggregate partial waivers of meeting fees per calendar year.

Cancellation and Refunds

SOA incurs significant expenses prior to an event. To minimize losses, SOA maintains the following refund and cancellation policy:

  • You may cancel your registration prior to 30 days of the event start date to receive a full refund, less a $100 administrative fee.
  • There will be no refunds provided within 30 days of the event start date. However, you may transfer your registration to another SOA major meeting within one year of cancellation.
  • An alternate attendee within the same organization may be substituted at any time prior to the conference start with no penalty. However, if the original attendee is a member and the substitute attendee is not, the difference in rate, between member/non-member, must be paid in full at time of substitution.
  • You may transfer your registration to another meeting or seminar within one calendar year of the original meeting or seminar registered for. However, you will be responsible for any differences in rates and/or fees.
  • To cancel an order, please contact

The Society of Actuaries reserves the right to cancel any event if conditions warrant. In the event of such cancellation, registration fees will be refunded in full. The Society of Actuaries is not responsible for any airfare or hotel cancellation fees that an attendee may incur due to event cancellation.