Announcement: SOA congratulates the new ASAs and CERAs for August 2024.

Corporate Webcast Program

Your staff can view the newest webcasts as a group.

The Society of Actuaries (SOA) is committed to supporting actuaries as they continue their education through all available platforms, including webcasts. To help in that process, we’re pleased to offer actuarial employers a group webcast option for their employees.

Benefits of Purchasing a Group Webcast

  • Unlimited number of participants
  • Unlimited number of locations
  • Permission to rebroadcast to internal audiences, using your organization’s technology
  • Ability to request a complimentary registration link to share with internal audiences (email
  • Obtain EA Credits for EA-credit approved webcasts


Number of SOA Credentialed Actuaries Group Webcast
7 to 25 $600
26 to 100 $750
101 to 400 $1,100
401+ $1,650


If you have comments or questions, please contact