Announcement: SOA congratulates the new ASAs and CERAs for August 2024.

Investment Fallacies

The Investment Section is pleased to release our essay e-book, “Investment Fallacies.” This e-book contains 16 topical essays that express the opinions and thoughts of a number of authors on the subject.

Download the complete essay e-Book

Future Equity Returns
By Eric Janecek

The Fallacy of Independence
By Richard Joss

The Fable of the Storyteller and the Market
By Steven Scoles

Extended Periods of Robust Macroeconomic Growth are Healthy for Investing
By Paul Conlin

Mathematical Modelling of Social Phenomena
By Nicholas John Macleod

A Real-world Approach to Value at Risk
By Nicholas John Macleod

Bitcoin Fallacies
By Larry Zhao

Gambler’s Fallacy: Probability of Reversion
By Kailan Shang

Active Management Overall Performs Different than Passive Management
By Evan Inglis

The Best Model Doesn’t Win
By Max J. Rudolph

The Myth of Time Diversification
By Rowland Davis

Simulation of Long-Term Stock Returns: Fat-Tails and Mean Reversion
By Rowland Davis

The “Dollar Bill” Fallacy
By Gary Thomas

The Fallacy of the Fed Model
By David Cantor, Adam Butler and Kunal Rajani

The Misconceptions of Retirement Risks
By Dimitry Mindlin

On the Validity of Common Portfolio Return Assumptions
By Dimitry Mindlin