Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

2017 Simplified Issue Composite Mortality Tables

The Society of Actuaries’ and the Life Practice Council of the Academy of Actuaries’ Guaranteed Issue/Simplified Issue/Preneed Working Group has developed a definition and a set of composite (unismoke) mortality tables for simplified issue business. Unloaded (basic) and loaded, ultimate tables for male and female on an age-last birthday and age-nearest bases as of 2017 were developed. Unloaded (basic), select and ultimate tables for male and female on an age-last birthday basis as of 2007 and 2017 were also developed. See the links to the definition, report and the tables (in Excel format).


Simplified Issue Definition

2017 Simplified Issue Composite Mortality Tables Report

Simplified Issue Ultimate Mortality Tables

Male Select/Ultimate Basic Mortality Tables

Female Select/Ultimate Basic Mortality Tables