Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

Fixed Indexed Annuity Experience Study – Policy Years 2013-15

This joint study sponsored by LIMRA and the Society of Actuaries examines FIA full surrender, withdrawal, and GLWB utilization for experience years 2013-15.  These factors are studied from the perspective of various owner, rider, and product characteristics including “in-the-moneyness” of GLWB guarantees, systematic vs occasional withdrawal activity patterns, and the percentage of maximum GLWB benefit withdrawn.  Below is the link for this first release of the SOA/LIMRA Fixed Indexed Annuity experience study in a new data visualization dashboard format called Tableau, as well as instructions for first-time users of Tableau.”


Fixed Indexed Annuity Experience Study – Policy Years 2013-15

Fixed Indexed Annuity Experience Study – Policy Years 2013-15

TABLEAU - Brief Instructions for first-time users

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