Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

Factors Affecting Retirement Mortality 'FARM'

Research Projects – Pension


Factors Affecting Retirement Mortality

Mortality rates affect many facets of an actuary’s work. The ability to collect more detailed data and the possibilities presented by more advanced analytical tools influenced the Society of Actuaries to embark on this multi-phased project examining the factors affecting retirement mortality.

The Committee on Social Security – Retirement and Disability Income, the Committee on Retirement Systems Research and the Committee on Life Insurance Research funded this research. The first phase of the project includes a comprehensive literature search and summary identifying 10 factors, in addition to age and gender, linked to mortality experience at or after age 65.

In the second phase of the project, existing Society of Actuaries experience studies are reviewed to see which factors could be added to the studies. This phase also considers methods for reflecting the additional factors in the mortality tables.

  • Factors Affecting Retirement Mortality – Phase I
  • By Robert L. Brown and Joanne McDaid
  • Phase I Paper


If you have any questions or comments regarding the report, please contact Ronora Stryker, Research Actuary.