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Survey on Pension Risk Management and Impact of Funding Gap

Research Projects – Risk Management

Survey on Pension Risk Management and Impact of Funding Gap

New Survey Looks at Pension Risk Management and Impact on Funding Gap

Pension Governance, LLC and the Society of Actuaries (SOA) are proud to join forces to research current pension risk management practices. In what is believed to be a unique large–scale assessment of this critical topic area since research was done in 1998, the jointly developed survey investigates the use of derivatives and related risk and valuation policies by pension funds and their external money managers. Questions address other topics such as the role of the pension consultant, involvement of the plan actuary, new pension rules and regulations and an increased emphasis on enterprise risk management. The survey was officially launched on March 26, 2007.

Background Information

Global growth in futures, options and swaps dwarfs all other financial markets. According to the Bank for International Settlements, over–the–counter and exchange–traded derivatives market activity in 2006 grew to more than $400 trillion. Public and private pension plans, a second giant force, control over $10 trillion in assets. Their risk management decisions affect millions of people around the world, compelling the need to understand pension risk management as never before.

Different than even a few years ago, markets are now more volatile, increased longevity is worsening the funding gap and pension fiduciaries seek higher returns in the form of hedge funds, private equity investments and portable alpha strategies, all of which frequently involve derivative instruments. Derivatives show up in countless liability–driven investing strategies as well, making it impossible to ignore their economic impact.

Adding to the complexity of the investment decision–making process, board members, policy–makers, taxpayers, shareholders, actuaries, fiduciary liability underwriters, debt rating analysts and plan participants need and want to understand what fiduciaries are doing in the area of pension risk management. Unfortunately, a dearth of information about plan sponsors and their money managers makes it extremely difficult to head off trouble before it starts. The primary goal of this survey is to make it easier for relevant parties to identify existing risk control practices and, by extension, encourage a long overdue discussion about best practices. While this survey emphasizes defined benefit plans, risk management applies to defined contribution plans as well. When financial controls are absent or implemented poorly, fiduciaries may be unable to select appropriate 401(k) investments and evaluate service providers' fees, possibly leaving themselves exposed to lawsuits.

Author of Risk Management for Pensions, Endowments and Foundations, Dr. Susan M. Mangiero, CFA, FRM, AVA, AIFA and her team are responsible for survey design and statistical analysis with ongoing input from an oversight group of pension professionals assembled by the SOA. According to SOA Research Actuary Steve Siegel, "we are all very excited about the prospect of providing our members invaluable insight about this important area."

Invitations have been sent to nearly 6,000 pension fiduciaries in the United States and Canada. Interested plan sponsors who have not received an invitation are encouraged to participate by contacting either Dr. Susan M. Mangiero at 203.261.5519 or Steve Siegel at 847.706.3578.

Preliminary Results Expected April 18

Participation is limited to plan sponsors only. Preliminary results will be released to attendees of the SOA's Investment Symposium in New York, April 18–20.