Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

Transfer Rates between Long-Term Care Claim Settings

Research Projects – Long-Term Care

The Society of Actuaries' Long-Term Care Section and ILTCI Conference Association are pleased to make available a research report analyzing experience transition rates between Long Term Care claim settings over the course of a claim. The report, authored by Milliman, Inc., describes development of experience transition rates between claim stages with the ultimate goal of improving management information.


Transfer Rates between Long-Term Care Claim Settings

Thank You

The Long-Term Care Section would like to thank the members of the Project Oversight Group for their valuable input:

  • Dave Bond
  • Bob Darnell
  • Tony Green
  • Laurel Kastrup
  • Patricia Prusha
  • Brian Rankin
  • Jim Robinson
  • Steve Schoonveld
  • Kevin Waterman
  • John Wilkin
  • Steve Siegel, Research Actuary

Questions Or Comments?

If you have comments or questions, please send an email to