Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

Estimation of Employee Stock Option Exercise Rates and Firm Cost

Research Projects – Pension

The Pension Section is pleased to make available a research report exploring estimation of employee stock option exercise behavior and option cost to firms. The report was written by Nancy Wallace of U.C. Berkeley, Jennifer Carpenter of New York University, and Richard Stanton of U.C. Berkeley.


Estimation of Employee Stock Option Exercise Rates and Firm Cost

Thank You

The Pension Section would like to thank the following individuals for their input and review:

  • Terry Adamson (Chair)
  • Sean Scrol
  • Glenn Bowen
  • Liaw Huang
  • Nicholas Reitter
  • John Miller
  • Tom Terry
  • Aaron Weindling
  • James Lecher
  • Christopher Wittemann
  • Daniel Abrams
  • Daniel Kahn
  • Mark Barrysmith
  • Matt DeWald
  • Amanda Miller
  • Seanid Dineen
  • Steve Siegel, Research Actuary
  • Barbara Scott, Research Administrator


Questions Or Comments?

If you have comments or questions, please send an email to