Announcement: SOA releases passing candidate numbers for May 2024 Exam SRM.

Report on Premium Persistency Assumptions Study of Flexible Premium Universal Life Products

The Product Development and Financial Reporting Sections along with the Committee on Life Insurance Research are pleased to make available a new report examining premium persistency assumptions for flexible premium universal life products used by life insurers in pricing, cash flow testing and for GAAP/IFRS purposes. The report was authored by Carl Friedrich, Donna Megregian, and Sue Saip of Milliman.


Premium Persistency Study of Flexible Premium Universal Life Products Report
Premium Persistency Study of Flexible Premium Universal Life Products Addendum

Thank You

The sponsors would like to thank the following individuals for serving on the Project Oversight Group:

Jeff Beckley- Chair
Mark Alberts
Sue Deakins
Allen Elstein
Steve Mathys
Sean O’Connell
Mary Simmons
Jan Schuh, SOA Sr. Research Administrator
Ronora Stryker, SOA Research Actuary


If you have questions or comments on this research, please contact Ronora Stryker, SOA Research Actuary, at