Annoucement: SOA releases December 2024 Exam FM passing candidate numbers.

Cause-of-Death Contributions to Socioeconomic Inequalities in Mortality in the United States


Magali Barbieri, Ph.D.
Associate Director, Human Mortality Database Director, U.S. Mortality Database
University of California, Berkeley


This study of socioeconomic inequalities in mortality builds on a previous report in which we identified a large and growing gradient in life expectancy between 1982 and 2019 across U.S. counties classified into 10 socioeconomically homogeneous categories. In this report, we seek to identify the particular causes of death contributing to the growing disadvantage in mortality between populations in the least and most affluent deciles as previously defined.


Cause-of-Death Contributions to Socioeconomic Inequalities in Mortality in the United States


The authors’ deepest gratitude goes to those without whose efforts this project could not have come to fruition: the volunteers who generously shared their wisdom, insights, advice, guidance and arm’s-length review of this study prior to publication. Any opinions expressed may not reflect their opinions or those of their employers. Any errors belong to the authors alone.

Project Oversight Group members:

Larry Stern, Chair, FSA, MAAA
Bryan Amburn, FSA, MAAA
Mary Bahna-Nolan, FSA, CERA, MAAA
Mark Bye, ASA
Jean-Marc Fix, FSA, MAAA
Al Klein, FSA, MAAA
Larry Pinzur, Ph.D.
Stephanie Porta, ASA, MAAA
Marianne Purushotham, FSA, MAAA
Manny Santos, FSA, FCIA
Joel Sklar, ASA, MAAA

At the Society of Actuaries Research Institute:

R. Dale Hall, FSA, CERA, MAAA, Managing Director of Research
Cynthia MacDonald, FSA, MAAA, Senior Director, Experience Studies
Jan Schuh, Senior Research Administrator
Ronora Stryker, ASA, MAAA, Senior Practice Research Actuary
Patrick Wiese, ASA, Lead Modeling Researcher

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