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From The Editor
From The Editor A brief look at each article from this edition. By Carlos Fuentes expertise;Entrepreneur ;innovation;chance;experience;education;career;leadership By Carlos Fuentes This issue is ...- Authors: Carlos Eduardo Fuentes
- Date: Mar 2017
- Competency: Communication>Oral communication; Communication>Written communication; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>External forces and business performance; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>General business skills; Leadership>Change management; Leadership>Influence; Leadership>Professional network leverage; Leadership>Thought leadership; Relationship Management>Relationships and trust; Strategic Insight and Integration>Big picture view; Strategic Insight and Integration>Effective decision-making; Strategic Insight and Integration>Management partnership; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Innovative solutions
- Publication Name: Innovators & Entrepreneurs
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Alternative careers; Actuarial Profession>Competencies; Actuarial Profession>Entrepreneurism; Actuarial Profession>Management skills
Project Management: Calming the Chaos
Project Management: Calming the Chaos Effective communication Business intelligence;Project Management;Effective communication 6442477828 7/1/2017 12:00:00 AM ...- Authors: Doris Orr
- Date: Jul 2017
- Competency: Communication>Persuasive communication; Leadership>Mentoring; Leadership>Thought leadership
- Publication Name: The Stepping Stone
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Best practices; Actuarial Profession>Management skills; Actuarial Profession>Professional development
A Seat At The Table
A Seat At The Table Editorial for the December 2012/January 2013 edition of The Actuary magazine discussing SOA’s Board of Directors’ practices. board of directors;leadership skills 4294993772 12 ...- Authors: Susan R Sames
- Date: Dec 2012
- Competency: Leadership>Thought leadership
- Publication Name: The Actuary Magazine
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Management skills
Build Rapport for Greater Influence
Build Rapport for Greater Influence Build Rapport for Greater Influence by David C. Miller from The Stepping Stone Newsletter, July 2004, Issue No. 15. N/A; 11303 7/1/2004 12:00:00 AM ...- Authors: David Miller
- Date: Jul 2004
- Competency: Leadership>Thought leadership
- Publication Name: The Stepping Stone
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Management skills
From The Editor
From The Editor A look into the issues’ contents. By Carlos Fuentes Models;Strategy;Artificial intelligence;Passion;Product development;Predictive modeling;Entrepreneurship By Carlos Fuentes What ...- Authors: Carlos Eduardo Fuentes
- Date: Nov 2017
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial methods in business operations; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>General business skills; Leadership>Thought leadership; Strategic Insight and Integration>Big picture view; Strategic Insight and Integration>Strategy development; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Problem analysis and definition
- Publication Name: Innovators & Entrepreneurs
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Management skills; Economics>Health economics; Economics>Macroeconomics; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Estimation methods
The Actuary February/March 2014
The Actuary February/March 2014 The February/March 2014 edition of The Actuary magazine—the Society of Actuaries’ flagship publication. 6442453380 2/1/2014 12:00:00 AM ...- Authors: Society of Actuaries
- Date: Feb 2014
- Competency: Communication; External Forces & Industry Knowledge; Leadership>Mentoring; Leadership>Thought leadership; Professional Values; Relationship Management; Results-Oriented Solutions; Strategic Insight and Integration; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving
- Publication Name: The Actuary Magazine
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Academic partnerships; Actuarial Profession>Alternative careers; Actuarial Profession>Best practices; Actuarial Profession>Code of Conduct; Actuarial Profession>Competencies; Actuarial Profession>Ethics; Actuarial Profession>Management skills; Actuarial Profession>Qualifications; Actuarial Profession>Professional associations; Actuarial Profession>Standards of practice; Actuarial Profession>Traditional careers; Public Policy
Leading With Two Left Brains?
Leading With Two Left Brains? A discussion of how compassion and empathy, help us to move from "managing things" to "leading people". Also will ponder how we develop ...- Authors: James Shallow
- Date: Aug 2013
- Competency: Leadership>Mentoring; Leadership>Thought leadership
- Publication Name: The Stepping Stone
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Management skills
Leading with Two Left Brains?
Leading with Two Left Brains? A discussion of how compassion and empathy, help us to move from "managing things" to "leading people". Also will ponder how we develop ...- Authors: James Shallow
- Date: May 2013
- Competency: Leadership>Thought leadership
- Publication Name: The Stepping Stone
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Management skills; Actuarial Profession>Professional development
From the Chairperson's Corner
From the Chairperson's Corner A discussion on several topics pertaining to the E & I Section including plans for upcoming section-sponsored events and meeting sessions. By Bill Rearden ...- Authors: William Rearden
- Date: Feb 2018
- Competency: Leadership>Thought leadership; Strategic Insight and Integration>Big picture view
- Publication Name: Innovators & Entrepreneurs
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Entrepreneurism; Actuarial Profession>Management skills
Getting Connected: Part II of the Actuaries On Boards series
Getting Connected: Part II of the Actuaries On Boards series Feature article discussing the importance of business connections when trying to get a board position. 4294989642 4/12/2012 12:00:00 ...- Authors: Sarah J. Hamblin
- Date: Apr 2012
- Competency: Leadership>Professional network leverage; Leadership>Thought leadership
- Publication Name: The Actuary Magazine
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Management skills