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Recent Developments in Health Insurance Programs in the United States and Canada
exceed certain amounts shown in the following table: Percentage of Amount of Taxable Income Premium ... Hoskins Gathings Stewart Robert T. Jackson WiLliam S. Thomas Any thoughts that you may have after today ...- Authors: John C Angle, Daphne D Bartlett, Preston C Bassett, Morrison H Beach, James F A Biggs, Alden W Brosseau, Richard Daskais, Robert F Davis, William A Dreher, Alan N Ferguson, Curtis D Greene, Rea B Hayes, Howard H Hennington, J Stanley Hill, Richard Humphrys, Wallace R Joyce, John C Maynard, Anna M Rappaport, Harry M Sarason, Richard H Tallman, Naftali Teitelbaum, Alan M Thaler, George N Watson, Cecil G White, GILBERT W FITZHUGH, JOHN H MILLER, Andrew C Webster, Colin Jack, John Dyer, John C Wooddy, Josephine W Beers, Wendell Milliman, Alfred L Buckman, Frederick P Sloat, Harwood Rosser, C Manton Eddy, W James D Lewis, Bruce E Shepherd, Edward A Dougherty, Lloyd Current, Winfeild C Burley, Robert J Lamphere
- Date: Apr 1966
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Professional associations; Health & Disability>Health insurance; Life Insurance