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  • Fitting UK and US Mortality Projection Models to Each Other's Data
    models – the latest version of the CMI Mortality Projections Model and the latest version of MIM-2021 ... England & Wales and the US, and the results were compared. mortality projection, retirement, mortality improvement ...

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    • Authors: Jon Palin
    • Date: Jan 2023
    • Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
    • Topics: Experience Studies & Data; Experience Studies & Data>Mortality; Pensions & Retirement
  • Fitting UK and US Mortality Projection Models to Each Other’s Data
    models – the latest version of the CMI Mortality Projections Model and the latest version of MIM-2021 ... England & Wales and the US, and the results were compared. mortality projection, retirement, mortality improvement ...

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    • Authors: Jon Palin
    • Date: Jan 2023
    • Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
    • Topics: Experience Studies & Data; Experience Studies & Data>Mortality; Pensions & Retirement
  • Trends in Canadian Mortality by Pension Level: Evidence from the CPP and QPP
    Pension Level: Evidence from the CPP and QPP This report examines the mortality of Canadian pensioners subdivided ... subdivided by pension level, using data from the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Québec Pension Plan (QPP) ...

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    • Authors: Torsten Kleinow, Andrew Cairns, Jie Wen (Jie)
    • Date: Sep 2019
    • Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
    • Topics: Experience Studies & Data; Experience Studies & Data>Mortality; Pensions & Retirement