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Recent Developments in Health Insurance Programs in the United States and Canada
Recent Developments in Health Insurance Programs in the United States and Canada This paper contains three discussions. The first is about recent developments in health insurance programs in the ...- Authors: John C Angle, Daphne D Bartlett, Preston C Bassett, Morrison H Beach, James F A Biggs, Alden W Brosseau, Richard Daskais, Robert F Davis, William A Dreher, Alan N Ferguson, Curtis D Greene, Rea B Hayes, Howard H Hennington, J Stanley Hill, Richard Humphrys, Wallace R Joyce, John C Maynard, Anna M Rappaport, Harry M Sarason, Richard H Tallman, Naftali Teitelbaum, Alan M Thaler, George N Watson, Cecil G White, GILBERT W FITZHUGH, JOHN H MILLER, Andrew C Webster, Colin Jack, John Dyer, John C Wooddy, Josephine W Beers, Wendell Milliman, Alfred L Buckman, Frederick P Sloat, Harwood Rosser, C Manton Eddy, W James D Lewis, Bruce E Shepherd, Edward A Dougherty, Lloyd Current, Winfeild C Burley, Robert J Lamphere
- Date: Apr 1966
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Professional associations; Health & Disability>Health insurance; Life Insurance
Digest of Discussion of Subjects of General Interest
Digest of Discussion of Subjects of General Interest Topics: Financial strength issues related to formation of new companies, and content of SOA's spring programs and discussion rules.- Authors: John M Bragg, Roland F Dorman, Curtis D Greene, Charles W Jacoby, Richard Minck, John S Moyse, Bruce E Nickerson, Charles Schaller-Kelly, L Jefferson Stulce, Robert L Whitney, JOHN H MILLER, James Ross Gray, Harwood Rosser, William L Farmer, Bruce E Shepherd, Edward A Dougherty, John F B Amsden
- Date: May 1965
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>External forces and business performance; Professional Values
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Professional associations; Public Policy