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Longevity Risk: What can the Past Tell us About the Future?
Longevity Risk: What can the Past Tell us About the Future? Trends in mortality have a huge impact on the insurance industry and its products, risks and profitability. Worldwide, life expectancy ...- Authors: Cord-Roland Rinke, Jan-Niklas Rössler
- Date: Aug 2023
- Competency: Strategic Insight and Integration
- Publication Name: Reinsurance News
- Topics: Demography; Demography>Longevity; Demography>Population data; Reinsurance; Reinsurance>Life reinsurance; Demography>Mortality improvement
Session 055: Group Life - Current Trends
Session 055: Group Life - Current Trends The presenters will provide an overview of the current state of the Group Life product space. Group Life Insurance, Waiver of Premium, Valuation Table ...- Authors: Jennifer Fleck, Robert T Lumia, William Mehilos
- Date: Jan 2020
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Topics: Life Insurance; Life Insurance>Group plans - Life Insurance; Reinsurance; Reinsurance>Life reinsurance
Insights Into Life Reinsurance and In-force Management Current Trends
This article summarizes insights from a 2021 survey of more than 40 life insurance companies with a focus on trends in reinsurand and in-force management. While reinsurance objectives and methods ...- Authors: Kathryn van Ryn, Nina Han, Chris Halloran
- Date: Dec 2021
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Publication Name: Reinsurance News
- Topics: Reinsurance; Reinsurance>Life reinsurance
Session 062: Reinsurance Treaty: Source of Understanding or Discord?
Session 062: Reinsurance Treaty: Source of Understanding or Discord? The days of reinsurance treaties bound by a handshake are long gone. Treaties have evolved into complex legal documents. The ...- Authors: Timothy Cardinal, Jennifer McGinnis, Christopher Bello
- Date: Jan 2020
- Competency: Strategic Insight and Integration
- Topics: Life Insurance; Life Insurance>Product development - Life Insurance; Reinsurance; Reinsurance>Life reinsurance
International Reinsurance
International Reinsurance 1993 SOA Spring Meeting, Boston. This session on international reinsurance covers the following topics: • Overview of the extent and form of international ...- Authors: Joseph F Kolodney, Charles E Moes, Andrew F Giffin, Stephen T Clinton
- Date: May 1993
- Competency: Strategic Insight and Integration
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Global Perspectives; Reinsurance; Reinsurance>Life reinsurance
Quo Vadis Reinsurance
Quo Vadis Reinsurance Read the Quo Vadis Reinsurance. Future of reinsurance 1/10/2020 12:00:00 AM ...- Authors: Dirk Nieder
- Date: Jan 2020
- Competency: Communication; External Forces & Industry Knowledge; Leadership; Professional Values; Relationship Management; Results-Oriented Solutions; Strategic Insight and Integration; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving
- Publication Name: Reinsurance News
- Topics: Life Insurance; Life Insurance>Policyholder behavior - Life Insurance; Life Insurance>Pricing - Life Insurance; Life Insurance>Term life; Life Insurance>Underwriting - Life Insurance; Life Insurance>Product development - Life Insurance; Life Insurance>Universal life; Life Insurance>Marketing and distribution - Life Insurance; Life Insurance>Claims - Life Insurance; Life Insurance>Whole life; Reinsurance; Reinsurance>Financial reinsurance; Reinsurance>Financial reporting for reinsurance; Reinsurance>Life reinsurance; Reinsurance>Marketing and distribution - Reinsurance; Reinsurance>Pricing - Reinsurance; Life Insurance>Guaranteed issue
Reinsurance Arbitration Survey – 1998–2001 Future Trends in a Shrinking Marketplace
Reinsurance Arbitration Survey – 1998–2001 Future Trends in a Shrinking Marketplace Discussion of a Reinsurance Arbitration Survey covering the period 1998–2001 Also a discussion of the shrinking ...- Authors: Joseph F Kolodney
- Date: Mar 2003
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>External forces and business performance
- Publication Name: Reinsurance News
- Topics: Reinsurance; Reinsurance>Financial reinsurance; Reinsurance>Health reinsurance; Reinsurance>Life reinsurance; Reinsurance>Marketing and distribution - Reinsurance; Reinsurance>Pricing - Reinsurance
Session 191: Accelerated Underwriting: Front-End and Back-End Best Practices
Session 191: Accelerated Underwriting: Front-End and Back-End Best Practices In this interactive forum, presenters will share best practices to get the most out of your AU program. Explore trends ...- Authors: Eric Carlson, Joseph Pickett, Lisa Renetzky
- Date: Mar 2020
- Competency: Results-Oriented Solutions
- Topics: Life Insurance; Reinsurance; Reinsurance>Life reinsurance; Life Insurance>Accelerated underwriting
The Changing Face of Reinsurance
The Changing Face of Reinsurance 1993 SOA Meeting, Quebec. This session is about how reinsurers are adapting to market changes. Topics included: 1. How reinsurers are adapting to ...- Authors: Le Roy H Christenson, James L Sweeney, Brian G Holland, Ross Morton
- Date: Jun 1993
- Competency: Results-Oriented Solutions
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Global Perspectives; Reinsurance; Reinsurance>Life reinsurance
SOA Accelerated Underwriting Reinsurer Practices Survey
SOA Accelerated Underwriting Reinsurer Practices Survey This article highlights the findings of a recent SOA survey on accelerated underwriting (AU) practices, including the amount of AU business ...- Authors: Allen Klein
- Date: Feb 2024
- Competency: Results-Oriented Solutions; Strategic Insight and Integration
- Topics: Life Insurance; Reinsurance; Reinsurance>Life reinsurance; Reinsurance>Pricing - Reinsurance; Life Insurance>Accelerated underwriting