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It's a Matter of Trust
It's a Matter of Trust Based on a decades-long study, honesty is the most important quality in a leader. This article addresses ways to establish trust with their co-workers. Ethics; ...- Authors: Mitchell Stephenson
- Date: Mar 2018
- Competency: Communication>Active listening; Communication>Oral communication; Communication>Persuasive communication; Communication>Written communication; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>General business skills; Leadership>Influence; Relationship Management>Staff management and motivation; Relationship Management>Team leadership
- Publication Name: The Stepping Stone
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Competencies; Actuarial Profession>Management skills; Actuarial Profession>Professional development
Managing: It's Your Ship
Managing: It's Your Ship Gaining people management skills from Captain D. Michael Abrashoff's book, "Its Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the ...- Authors: A Joy McDonald
- Date: Feb 2016
- Competency: Communication>Active listening; Relationship Management>Relationships and trust; Relationship Management>Team leadership
- Publication Name: The Stepping Stone
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Management skills
Passing the Torch Series: An Interview with Dave Pelletier
Passing the Torch Series: An Interview with Dave Pelletier Cassie He and Linda Liu, two actuarial students invite Dave Pelletier, an actuary with 38-year experience to share with us his career ...- Authors: Karen Perry, A David Pelletier
- Date: Mar 2013
- Competency: Communication>Active listening; Communication>Written communication; Leadership>Change management; Leadership>Mentoring; Relationship Management>Team leadership
- Publication Name: Actuary of the Future
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Competencies; Actuarial Profession>Professional development; Global Perspectives>Expatriate experience; Global Perspectives>Global markets
Passing the Torch Series: An Interview with Mark Freedman
Passing the Torch Series: An Interview with Mark Freedman Cassie He and Linda Liu, two actuarial students, invite Mark Freedman, the President-Elect of SOA to share with us his experience as an ...- Authors: Mark Freedman
- Date: Apr 2013
- Competency: Communication>Active listening; Communication>Difficult message delivery; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>General business skills; Leadership>Influence; Leadership>Mentoring; Leadership>Professional network leverage; Professional Values>Ethical standards; Relationship Management>Relationships and trust; Relationship Management>Staff management and motivation; Relationship Management>Team leadership
- Publication Name: Actuary of the Future
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Competencies; Actuarial Profession>Management skills; Actuarial Profession>Qualifications; Actuarial Profession>Professional development
From Pain To Gain: Learning To Leverage Conflict
From Pain To Gain: Learning To Leverage Conflict Article discussing methods to manage conflict in the workplace or elsewhere. Mergers & acquisitions=M&A; 4294979466 9/1/2010 12:00:00 ...- Authors: Liz Berney
- Date: Sep 2010
- Competency: Communication>Active listening; Relationship Management; Relationship Management>Team leadership; Results-Oriented Solutions; Strategic Insight and Integration>Big picture view
- Publication Name: News Direct
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Competencies; Actuarial Profession>Management skills
Project Management - Overcoming Obstacles
Project Management - Overcoming Obstacles Equips readers with understanding of common obstacles, their root causes and way to overcome them. Focus on importance of a strong compelling reason for ...- Authors: Doris Orr
- Date: Nov 2017
- Competency: Communication>Active listening; Leadership>Change management; Relationship Management>Team leadership
- Publication Name: The Stepping Stone
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Management skills
How to Turn Suspects Into Prospects
How to Turn Suspects Into Prospects By Ray Mascola Communication;Operational Management;Time Management ;Management Skills ;Entrepreneurism By Ray Mascola Learning any skill takes commitment, ...- Date: May 2017
- Competency: Communication>Active listening; Communication>Difficult message delivery; Communication>Oral communication; Communication>Persuasive communication; Communication>Written communication; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial methods in business operations; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial theory in business context; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>External forces and business performance; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>General business skills; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Internal forces and business performance; Leadership>Change management; Leadership>Influence; Leadership>Mentoring; Leadership>Professional network leverage; Leadership>Thought leadership; Professional Values>Ethical standards; Professional Values>Practice expertise; Professional Values>Public interest representation; Relationship Management>Relationships and trust; Relationship Management>Staff management and motivation; Relationship Management>Team leadership; Results-Oriented Solutions>Actionable recommendations; Results-Oriented Solutions>Assess decision effectiveness; Strategic Insight and Integration>Big picture view; Strategic Insight and Integration>Effective decision-making; Strategic Insight and Integration>Influence decisions; Strategic Insight and Integration>Management partnership; Strategic Insight and Integration>Strategy development; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Incorporate risk management; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Innovative solutions; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Problem analysis and definition; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Process and technique refinement
- Publication Name: Innovators & Entrepreneurs
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Entrepreneurism; Actuarial Profession>Management skills; Actuarial Profession>Professional development
Smaller Insurance Company Section: 2012 Health Survey
Smaller Insurance Company Section: 2012 Health Survey Results of the Smaller Insurance Company Section member survey to better understand the issues of importance to its members who serve in the ...- Authors: D Williams
- Date: Mar 2013
- Competency: Communication>Active listening; Relationship Management>Team leadership
- Publication Name: Small Talk
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Professional development; Health & Disability>Health care
The Sunny Actuary
The Sunny Actuary Humor in the workplace can improve productivity. This article describes a typical office relationship problem and how humor helped disparate teams work together. Computer ...- Authors: Anthony Batory
- Date: Nov 2015
- Competency: Communication>Active listening; Communication>Difficult message delivery; Communication>Oral communication; Communication>Persuasive communication; Communication>Written communication; Relationship Management>Staff management and motivation; Relationship Management>Team leadership; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Innovative solutions
- Publication Name: The Stepping Stone
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Best practices; Actuarial Profession>Management skills; Actuarial Profession>Professional development
February issue of The Stepping Stone
February issue of The Stepping Stone February issue of The Stepping Stone Professional Development;Interpersonal Skills;Business Intelligence;Alternative careers;Management Skills;Strategic ...- Authors: Society of Actuaries
- Date: Feb 2016
- Competency: Communication>Active listening; Leadership>Change management; Leadership>Influence; Leadership>Mentoring; Leadership>Thought leadership; Professional Values; Relationship Management>Relationships and trust; Relationship Management>Staff management and motivation; Relationship Management>Team leadership; Strategic Insight and Integration>Influence decisions; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Innovative solutions
- Publication Name: The Stepping Stone
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Alternative careers; Actuarial Profession>Best practices; Actuarial Profession>Management skills; Actuarial Profession>Professional development; Actuarial Profession>Traditional careers