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From the Editors
From the Editors “Academic Actuaries” is a new column that has been added to the Independent Consultant lineup. Read about it and all the other content in this issue. By Stephen James and Carlos ...- Authors: Carlos Sanchez-Fuentes, Stephen James
- Date: Feb 2016
- Competency: Communication>Persuasive communication; Communication>Written communication; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>General business skills; Leadership>Mentoring; Leadership>Professional network leverage; Leadership>Thought leadership; Professional Values>Ethical standards
- Publication Name: The Independent Consultant
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Alternative careers; Actuarial Profession>Code of Conduct; Actuarial Profession>Entrepreneurism; Actuarial Profession>Ethics; Actuarial Profession>Traditional careers
General Comments On The Manhart Brief
General Comments On The Manhart Brief The coordinator of the task force which prepared Manhart Brief, for a court case on sex discrimination in pension rates, responds to criticism. Pension ...- Authors: Donald S Grubbs
- Date: May 1978
- Competency: Communication>Written communication; Leadership>Professional network leverage; Professional Values>Ethical standards
- Publication Name: The Actuary Magazine
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Best practices; Actuarial Profession>Professional associations
How to Turn Suspects Into Prospects
How to Turn Suspects Into Prospects By Ray Mascola Communication;Operational Management;Time Management ;Management Skills ;Entrepreneurism By Ray Mascola Learning any skill takes commitment, ...- Date: May 2017
- Competency: Communication>Active listening; Communication>Difficult message delivery; Communication>Oral communication; Communication>Persuasive communication; Communication>Written communication; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial methods in business operations; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial theory in business context; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>External forces and business performance; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>General business skills; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Internal forces and business performance; Leadership>Change management; Leadership>Influence; Leadership>Mentoring; Leadership>Professional network leverage; Leadership>Thought leadership; Professional Values>Ethical standards; Professional Values>Practice expertise; Professional Values>Public interest representation; Relationship Management>Relationships and trust; Relationship Management>Staff management and motivation; Relationship Management>Team leadership; Results-Oriented Solutions>Actionable recommendations; Results-Oriented Solutions>Assess decision effectiveness; Strategic Insight and Integration>Big picture view; Strategic Insight and Integration>Effective decision-making; Strategic Insight and Integration>Influence decisions; Strategic Insight and Integration>Management partnership; Strategic Insight and Integration>Strategy development; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Incorporate risk management; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Innovative solutions; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Problem analysis and definition; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Process and technique refinement
- Publication Name: Innovators & Entrepreneurs
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Entrepreneurism; Actuarial Profession>Management skills; Actuarial Profession>Professional development
A Critique Of The Manhart Brief
A Critique Of The Manhart Brief A critique of the SOA's co-sponsoring of the Manhart Brief which addressed sex discrimination in pension rates. The critique argues that the brief fails ...- Authors: Arthur W Anderson
- Date: May 1978
- Competency: Communication>Written communication; Leadership>Professional network leverage; Professional Values>Ethical standards
- Publication Name: The Actuary Magazine
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Best practices; Pensions & Retirement>Assumptions and methods; Pensions & Retirement>Pension legislation and regulation; Public Policy
Expression Of Opinion By The Society: The Manhart Brief
Expression Of Opinion By The Society: The Manhart Brief A critique of the SOA's co-sponsoring of the Manhart Brief which addressed sex discrimination in pension rates. This critique argues ...- Authors: Richard Daskais
- Date: May 1978
- Competency: Communication>Written communication; Leadership>Professional network leverage; Professional Values>Ethical standards
- Publication Name: The Actuary Magazine
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Best practices; Actuarial Profession>Professional associations
Editorial: The Manhart Case
Editorial: The Manhart Case Intoduction to an issue of The Actuary focusing on the Manhart case, in which a controversial brief was presented to the Supreme Court by the SOA and AAA. American ...- Authors: Jonathan Wooley
- Date: May 1978
- Competency: Communication>Written communication; Leadership>Professional network leverage; Professional Values>Ethical standards
- Publication Name: The Actuary Magazine
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Academic partnerships; Actuarial Profession>Ethics; Actuarial Profession>Professional associations