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Passing the Torch Series: An Interview with Mark Freedman
Passing the Torch Series: An Interview with Mark Freedman Cassie He and Linda Liu, two actuarial students, invite Mark Freedman, the President-Elect of SOA to share with us his experience as an ...- Authors: Mark Freedman
- Date: Apr 2013
- Competency: Communication>Active listening; Communication>Difficult message delivery; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>General business skills; Leadership>Influence; Leadership>Mentoring; Leadership>Professional network leverage; Professional Values>Ethical standards; Relationship Management>Relationships and trust; Relationship Management>Staff management and motivation; Relationship Management>Team leadership
- Publication Name: Actuary of the Future
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Competencies; Actuarial Profession>Management skills; Actuarial Profession>Qualifications; Actuarial Profession>Professional development
Book Review: The Power of Nice
Book Review: The Power of Nice A look at the "The Power of Nice" by Ron Shapiro and how we can learn some important lessons from his work. 4294995347 2/1/2013 12:00:00 AM ...- Authors: Efrem Epstein
- Date: Feb 2013
- Competency: Communication>Persuasive communication; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>General business skills; Relationship Management>Relationships and trust
- Publication Name: The Stepping Stone
The Stepping Stone
The Stepping Stone The Stepping Stone issue 60, November 2015 influence decisions;interpersonal skills;management skills;Professional Development;Time management;career planning;Computer Science; ...- Authors: Society of Actuaries
- Date: Nov 2015
- Competency: Communication>Persuasive communication; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>General business skills; Leadership>Change management; Leadership>Influence; Relationship Management>Relationships and trust; Relationship Management>Staff management and motivation; Strategic Insight and Integration>Big picture view; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Innovative solutions
- Publication Name: The Stepping Stone
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Best practices; Actuarial Profession>Competencies; Actuarial Profession>Entrepreneurism; Actuarial Profession>Management skills; Actuarial Profession>Professional development
In The Middle - Role of a Reinsurance Intermediary
In The Middle - Role of a Reinsurance Intermediary This article describes services of a reinsurance intermediary and the use of reinsurance to meet financial objectives. Reinsurance;Reinsurance ...- Authors: Larry Stern
- Date: Jun 2017
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>General business skills; Professional Values>Practice expertise; Relationship Management>Relationships and trust; Strategic Insight and Integration>Effective decision-making
- Publication Name: Product Matters!
- Topics: Reinsurance
From The Editor
From The Editor A brief look at each article from this edition. By Carlos Fuentes expertise;Entrepreneur ;innovation;chance;experience;education;career;leadership By Carlos Fuentes This issue is ...- Authors: Carlos Eduardo Fuentes
- Date: Mar 2017
- Competency: Communication>Oral communication; Communication>Written communication; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>External forces and business performance; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>General business skills; Leadership>Change management; Leadership>Influence; Leadership>Professional network leverage; Leadership>Thought leadership; Relationship Management>Relationships and trust; Strategic Insight and Integration>Big picture view; Strategic Insight and Integration>Effective decision-making; Strategic Insight and Integration>Management partnership; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Innovative solutions
- Publication Name: Innovators & Entrepreneurs
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Alternative careers; Actuarial Profession>Competencies; Actuarial Profession>Entrepreneurism; Actuarial Profession>Management skills
Networking for the Past, Present and Future
Networking for the Past, Present and Future By relating to his own experience, Steven Chin reveals the meaning of networking and how it can affect one's life. His advice helps guide us on ...- Authors: Steven Chin
- Date: May 2013
- Competency: Communication>Active listening; Communication>Oral communication; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>General business skills; Leadership>Mentoring; Relationship Management>Relationships and trust
- Publication Name: Actuary of the Future
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Professional development
The Problem With New Clients
The Problem With New Clients The Problem With New Clients by Carl Friesen from Smaller Consulting Firm Section, June 2003, Issue No. 2. Marketing and distribution; 11085 6/1/2003 12:00:00 AM ...- Authors: Carl Friesen
- Date: Jun 2003
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>General business skills; Relationship Management>Relationships and trust
- Publication Name: The Independent Consultant
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Management skills
Start Your Actuarial Career on the Right Foot
Start Your Actuarial Career on the Right Foot This article shares tips for those starting out in the actuarial profession. The source is my experience and that of Ian Duncan FSA FIA FCIA MAAA and ...- Authors: Michael Adams
- Date: Feb 2014
- Competency: Communication>Oral communication; Communication>Written communication; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>General business skills; Relationship Management>Relationships and trust
- Publication Name: The Stepping Stone
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Best practices; Actuarial Profession>Code of Conduct; Actuarial Profession>Professional development
Brand New Me
Brand New Me The article discusses common themes with personal branding: be authentic, consistently manage your brand, manage your social media reputation. Management skills;Professional ...- Authors: Kelly Hennigan
- Date: Nov 2014
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>External forces and business performance; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>General business skills; Relationship Management>Relationships and trust
- Publication Name: The Stepping Stone
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Management skills; Actuarial Profession>Professional development
Health Actuaries and the Short-term Prediction Problem
Health Actuaries and the Short-term Prediction Problem This article discusses challenges that short-term predictions have on actuaries' reputations, both as individuals and as a profession, ...- Date: May 2012
- Competency: Communication>Oral communication; Communication>Written communication; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>General business skills; Leadership>Influence; Professional Values>Practice expertise; Relationship Management>Relationships and trust; Strategic Insight and Integration>Influence decisions; Strategic Insight and Integration>Management partnership
- Publication Name: Health Watch
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Best practices; Actuarial Profession>Standards of practice; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Forecasting; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Sensitivity testing