Announcement: SOA releases January 2025 Exam P passing candidate numbers. 

Chairperson's Corner

By Yuan Yuan

International News, May 2024


Welcome to the third issue of International News of 2024. I am pleased to share some important updates and upcoming opportunities in our community.

As you read this, the SOA section is accepting candidates to run for council this fall. Expression of interest is open through the end of May, with voting to follow in August and September. We strongly encourage members to consider serving on the section council (and to cast your votes this fall). Your participation is vital to continue the progress of our international actuarial community.

The U.S. SEC has just finalized its climate-related disclosure rules, requiring registrants to disclose climate-related information in statements and annual reports. In June, we are offering a webcast on ESG (environmental, social and governance) topics, to align with one of our 2024 priorities (educate members on emerging topics and new changes in international insurance).

We would also like to inform you about the SOA International Financial Reporting for Insurers (IFRI) Certificate Program. One of our council members is currently contributing as an instructor for the program, and the program will be offered again later this year. The feedback from international actuaries who participated in past sessions has been positive.

Furthermore, the council has recently decided to maintain our support for the 2024 Actuarial Research Conference (ARC) in July, reinforcing our commitment to foster and fund actuarial research. Historically, we have been supporting ARC since 2018. For those of you attending the conference, we hope to meet you in Tennessee!

Speaking of in-person meetings, we are looking forward to sponsoring a breakfast session at the upcoming ValAct conference in New York this August. We are also planning to include more in-person events across different continents, fostering the global actuarial conversation.

Finally, I would like to invite you all to connect with us in our LinkedIn group, not just for discussions and networking, but also for staying updated with the latest events from our section.

Statements of fact and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily those of the Society of Actuaries, the editors, Ernst & Young LLP or other members of the global EY organization.

Yuan Yuan, FSA, MAAA, is a senior manager with Ernst & Young LLP. She can be reached at