Announcement: SOA congratulates the new ASAs and CERAs for August 2024.

Academy Interest Rate Generator (AIRG) Version 7.1.201604

Economic Scenario Generators Disclaimer

The Academy and the Society of Actuaries have taken reasonable steps to develop such scenarios and tools consistent with accepted actuarial principles and practices. However, the Academy and the SOA do not warrant these scenarios and tools as fit for use in any respect, and no warranty whatsoever should be assumed or implied by any individual of this product or its fitness for any particular purpose. Actuaries, insurers, regulators and other parties use these scenarios and tools at their own risk. The Academy and the SOA disclaim all responsibility for any party's use or misuse of its scenarios or tools and for any work product generated through use or misuse of the scenarios and tools.  

By accepting, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above disclaimer language.